Donnerstag, März 19, 2009

Dem Masta' quer im Muul

Züri suscht nüt
ond de Schiri dem Masta' quer im Muul!


At 4:45 PM, März 21, 2009, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Now I know why soccer uniforms are fire retardant. Looks like a good time though!

At 1:31 PM, März 26, 2009, Blogger Mone said...

Das muss abba ne GROSSE Nebelmaschine gewesen sein ;)

At 1:08 AM, März 27, 2009, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Smoke on the water...

At 4:23 AM, März 27, 2009, Blogger Keshi said...

*knock knock*

Im bak :)


At 12:20 PM, März 27, 2009, Blogger Lily said...

Interesting blog, you have here! Amongst other things, I liked the entry on the summit and how closed off it is.
Makes you wonder why they are so afraid, doesn't it?! or do they just wanna suppress everything - just in case there could ever be any resistance anywhere?

Looking through both your blog and your profile, there is an article on one of my blogs which you might find interesting:

greetings from Scandinavia, SSG

At 2:31 PM, März 28, 2009, Blogger wallycrawler said...

OK i get the party thing and all, but ya can't see the flip'n game!

It doesn't matter, it's soccer, noth'n hap's! Mize'well have fun in da stands. hehe

Hey DM if ya wanna see a great sport, I'm gonna paint my living room. You want me to record it and send it to you? You and your buds can sit around your TV and set fire to the place while I paint. I'll wear skimpy shorts so my nut sack can fall out like Rolando.

At 5:15 AM, März 29, 2009, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

I agree rioting is a bad thing, revolution, a true all out revolution to reform the government and return power to the people is a good thing. Freedom has to be earned and I believe that means from time to time a generation has become so far removed from the initial revolution that they must stage one of their own - not anarchy, not rioting, but a combined dedicated force to reestablish the rights of man.

I did read the article you sent me, it was interesting, but I don't think the Jews are the only ones behind the collusion, especially here in the US. I think rather it is the elites, many of whom are Christian. If there was any religion that I would tend to worry about I think Islam would be the one to watch. Many of those folks are pure evil.

At 4:30 AM, April 02, 2009, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Soccer hooliganism, on the other hand, is fun to watch form a distance.

Go Bolivia!! I think they'll take it all this year, this is THEIR year!!!

At 7:21 PM, April 10, 2009, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

What's new dude? Any new photos??

At 2:20 AM, April 21, 2009, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Where'd you get to dude?

At 11:04 PM, Mai 09, 2009, Blogger Lily said...

was denn wirklich nebelmaschine? ich dachte die pforzen alle...

At 3:04 AM, Mai 11, 2009, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Hey DM, how is it going???

At 8:05 PM, Mai 11, 2009, Blogger Die Muräne said...

All is well Phos!
I'm moving to another City at the moment. Much to do... but I'll be back!
no worries

At 5:26 AM, Mai 15, 2009, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Which soccer team will you be rooting for now?? The Bern Bruins??

At 4:20 PM, Mai 16, 2009, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

How's the move going? I could bring my van over and give you a hand if you want.


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