Mittwoch, Mai 20, 2009



At 8:09 AM, Mai 20, 2009, Blogger Die Muräne said...

will be back with some pics from my new city next week! hang on guys :)

At 1:47 AM, Mai 27, 2009, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Can't wait to see the pics, hope the move went smoothly...

At 4:54 AM, Mai 27, 2009, Blogger Keshi said...

hot shot :)



At 8:25 AM, Mai 27, 2009, Blogger Die Muräne said...

'smoothly' is maybe the wrong word ;) - still working on it.
But I'll be fine soon!

Will be abroad for the weekend.

btw: do you hear the war drums? :(

At 6:07 AM, Juni 01, 2009, Blogger Keshi said...

murane come n check out my blog...there's something for ya!


At 1:51 AM, Juni 03, 2009, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Lets see, North Korea, insane Despot (not ours for a change), nuclear weapons, and long range missiles. There's trouble a brewin'.

At 7:51 AM, Juni 03, 2009, Blogger Die Muräne said...

... and too many countries around which badly need a war. Unfortunately we must see that history is repeating itself

At 7:53 AM, Juni 03, 2009, Blogger Die Muräne said...

Maybe n korea will come over..
and free the US from their communist dictators :)

(yeah I know, thats not funny)

At 11:19 AM, Juni 04, 2009, Blogger Lily said...

You know you guys, if one was to worry about every known nuke... there wouldn't be much time left for anything else! If you really wanna get into that worrying-kinda thing, worry about suitcase nukes and what else has been around since the collapse of the Sovjet Union and what is being pushed on the black market! As long as it's happenening in bright daylight and being advertised, I personally won't worry too much about it.

At 5:48 AM, Juni 09, 2009, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

A little canned sunshine is just what the Dr. ordered for Kim Il, he's looking a bit pale...

At 8:51 AM, Juni 11, 2009, Blogger Keshi said...

slacker ;-)


At 1:05 AM, Juni 20, 2009, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...



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