Dienstag, Januar 03, 2006

Guten Start schon mal

Wünsch euch schon mal 'nen guten Start, gell (oh Gott, bin ich fang altmodisch...).
Hatte so einiges los diese Tage und unerwartet Besuch.
Brauch noch n'Tag zwei um hier die Dinge erst mal auf die Reihe zu kriegen, dann kanns heiter weiter gehen.


At 11:09 AM, Januar 03, 2006, Blogger jungle jane said...

oh that's where you got to! you were defending my house! nice one, DerMuranen and Happy New Year:-)

At 8:17 AM, Januar 04, 2006, Blogger Die Muräne said...

@jane: sorry, I wasn't defending. I tried to enter. Had to take the window 'cause the others were in line on your front door.

At 5:09 PM, Januar 04, 2006, Blogger wallycrawler said...

That was me at the front door !

At 5:30 PM, Januar 04, 2006, Blogger Die Muräne said...

so you already followed janes call to australia? see you there, mate! and stay away from the americans (you know...haha)


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