Donnerstag, Mai 18, 2006


The River follows itself


At 4:15 PM, Mai 18, 2006, Blogger wallycrawler said...

I got all kinds of those things on my lawn . Damn weeds !

They look pretty up close though !

At 8:13 PM, Mai 18, 2006, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

I like blowing the dandelion seeds over the wall into my nieghbor's yard. He sucks.

At 8:02 AM, Mai 19, 2006, Blogger Keshi said...

The river follows itself and gently flows amidst many barriers...Life indeed!

Lovely pics...


At 9:00 AM, Mai 19, 2006, Blogger Die Muräne said...

wallycrawler: best thing against weeds is concrete!

phosgene kid: cocks? lol

keshi: yes, life indeed!

At 5:44 PM, Mai 19, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

they say, a picture says a thousand words but sometimes, am speechless looking at them.

how a flowing river teaches us that natural state of energy is to flow not to stagnate. Once the river flows, it naturally creates other paths in its flow, so does life!

At 9:49 PM, Mai 19, 2006, Blogger wallycrawler said...

Hey who's dat Stud guy ? He's kind'a profound !

Let's get em !!!

At 12:02 AM, Mai 20, 2006, Blogger Die Muräne said...

stud: we don't need a word for everything...

wallycrawler: how was your ride? cool to see you so wild afterwards :)

At 12:04 AM, Mai 20, 2006, Blogger Die Muräne said...

but you're right; noone but me has the right to be profound on my blog! lol

At 10:53 AM, Mai 20, 2006, Blogger Die Muräne said...

awwww, thank you keshi, this so really great! I will smile all day now!! :)

hope i'm not too much of a migrane for you...

At 6:18 AM, Mai 22, 2006, Blogger Keshi said...

**Murane your poem to me was truly inspiring :):)

I have penned the following poem for you mate :)

Murane is every Heart's Beat.
Murane is every Eye's Search.
Murane is every Flower's Fragrance.
Murane is every Mind's Brilliance.
Murane is every Star's Shine.
Murane is every Musician's Soul.
Murane is every Artist's Imagination.
Murane is every Singer's Voice.
Murane is my Migrane
Above all ...
Murane is My SweetO Friend
Love ya!
TC Matey

That comment wasnt from me Murane. It's from that clone. Some loser has cloned my Id..just iggi the poor idiot.


At 7:58 AM, Mai 22, 2006, Blogger Die Muräne said...

No worries, keshi! So then I'm his migrane now! lol

Nevertheless I was smiling all day anyway! (I think, the poem to me was so much better then the one to wallycrawler... and that means a lot. looool!
tc beetle

At 8:13 AM, Mai 22, 2006, Blogger Keshi said...

haha good on ya Murane! Even if it's from the stupid clone, just enjoy the great efforts she puts into writing those very hard lines for her lol!



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