Montag, Juni 19, 2006

Do henders, ehr Schesse!

Chom breng en hei, chom breng en
Chom breng en hei, chom breng en
Chom breng en hei, zo meeeeeer!!!


At 3:48 AM, Juni 20, 2006, Blogger Keshi said...

wut did he say?


At 7:13 AM, Juni 20, 2006, Blogger Die Muräne said...

He didn't say... he sings! lol
come bring him home (the cup)
come bring him home
come bring him home to me

At 8:15 AM, Juni 20, 2006, Blogger Keshi said...

oh ok lol sweet :)

now do my tag plzzzzzzzzzzz!


At 12:54 AM, Juni 22, 2006, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Either he's pretending he's an airplane or trying to catch flies wiyh his huge mouth. Wonder how they get those chimps to kick the ball in the net?

At 7:05 AM, Juni 22, 2006, Blogger Die Muräne said...

phosgene kid: lol! yeah, seems like sometimes the ball is to hard for their head!

unbreakable: Righty right unbreakable! Hey esch da jetzt senili Bettflucht oder besch no gos Auto hole, du verruckts Huehn?
Esch mol weder luschtig gsi höt! ;-)


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