Mittwoch, August 30, 2006

Back home

Hi guys, I'm right back home from my trip to the mountains. I went to Grindelwald, a lovely spot in the Berner Oberland. Even thougth it's very famous and all the tourists going up there, I didn't know the area very well. One reason more to have a look at this fantastic alpine scenery.

Unfortunatly, the weather was not as good as expected so I couldn't see all the places that I wanted to. Clouds were trapped up in the peaks and made sort of a doomy scene sometimes. Anyway, it was sooo impressive to see the huge mountains going up just right behind the village. All around!

As a typical swiss guy I didn't take the aerial gondola (cableway) and climbed up there by foot ;) After a short two-hours-walk I reached these unbelivable steep wooden stairs in the wall. They lead up to the "Obere Gletscher". The lowest accessible glacier in Europe. It was pretty exhausting to climb up there. The stairs were wet and some tourists blocked the way, scared and didn't dare to go up nor down anymore. Poofs!!
But to see the glacier up there was more than worth the effort. Great!

Later in the afternoon, back down in the village, there was a little swiss mountain festival. Mainly for the tourists of course, but I pretty enjoyed it as well. They showed how to make cheese, city kids could pet young calfs and goats, heeps of food, beers and traditional music.

Here we see some typical swiss mountain guys as we all know them: strong, hard working, bloody stubborn, talk not much, but if they say something you don't unterstand one single word of it, and in the end very very smart... you see, just like die murane!!

Thats it for now. Sorry for the layout, you know, Blogger sucks! Maybe I'll post some more pictures later. Must go to the Hamam now and wash away my sins.

Montag, August 21, 2006

Dropping knowledge

I really like this dropping knowledge idea. Some very deep and surprising questions.
What about you guys?

Donnerstag, August 17, 2006


Dienstag, August 15, 2006

For a bad time...

Sonntag, August 13, 2006

the boogie man

Da hatten wir jetzt doch - nach ein paar Jahren des Niedergangs - endlich wieder mal ne richtig geile Streetparade! Lag wohl an mir.
Gute Sounds, coole Leute, trotz Regen und Kälte Dance und Party in der ganzen Stadt. Oh yeah!

Mittwoch, August 09, 2006


Heute Abend, pünktlich zum Ende des Sommers war SIE da
SIE hat schon ungeduldig auf mich gewartet
Ich lachte. Laut. Drückte SIE leidenschaftlich an mich.
Berührte SIE. Liebevoll. Ueberall.
Und kaum war SIE drei Minuten auf mir
Da war ich bereits süchtig. Süchtig nach IHR
Nur schon IHR wundervoller Name:
"FCZ Urban Collection Army-Cap"
Man lasse sich den mal auf der Zunge zergehen!

Ich werde SIE jetzt wohl ewig tragen
Werde SIE hegen und pflegen
Werde heute Nacht unter IHR einschlafen
Und leise singen:
Mer liebed Züri, das esch jo sunneklar
Mer liebed Züri, Züri esch eifach wunderbar
Mer liebed Züri, lalalalaaaaaa

Herrgott, das Leben ist so wunderschön
Darauf müssen wir einen heben!
Prost Murenhos!!!

Scho gli

Noch drei Mal schlafen
Hoffentlich vertreibt der angekündigte Regen
diesmal die Massen der unbeteiligten Gaffer
Ist ja schliesslich kein Fasnachts-Umzug...
Köle alaf, Murenhos!

Apropos "move your mind":
Wer sich noch nicht für ein passendes Outfit entscheiden
konnte, dem sei verraten, dass sich dieses Jahr weisse
T-Shirts als besonders angesagte Eye-Catcher herausstellen
könnten (hoffe ich jedenfalls, hehehe)

Dienstag, August 08, 2006


geeeh, gimme a break, murenhos
prob the streetparade will lift my mood
and I'll bring ya some hottie pics
big hug!

Dienstag, August 01, 2006

Staring at myself

staring at myself
reflected in the eyes
of the dead man on the beach

(the cure)

it took me 15 years to understand
wow, what a day!!